In fact, not washing my hair regularly enough resulted in seborrheic dermatitis: an inflammatory condition that makes the scalp itchy and results in yellow, sticky flakes. Like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis is caused by a common yeast called malassezia, and while this yeast is entirely normal, an oily environment causes it to multiply and wreak havoc on the scalp. “As seborrheic dermatitis causes an imbalance, the hair can shed more quickly as it doesn’t have the best growing conditions,” says Eva Proudman, a consultant trichologist at UK Hair Consultants. She explains that hair washing is more about cleansing the scalp — which is simply an extension of the face — than just the hair. “The scalp has 180,000 oil glands and these can, at different times in our lives, become more active and produce more oil,” says Proudman, hence the propensity for scalp imbalance. She continues, “The scalp is the growing medium of the hair and needs to be balanced for optimum hair growth and hair health.”