Dry, Damp, Or Drowning? Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Sobriety In January


Dry January is a tradition for those who aim to improve their health for the new year, and people willing to participate in the month-long no-alcohol challenge find themselves enjoying the opportunity to reset, especially after months and weeks of overindulging in holiday drinking.

Although it’s beneficial to ween yourself off of wine, spirits, and beer, that doesn’t mean it’s not difficult to do so; that’s when mocktails come in handy. However, even with the option of mocktails, Americans still love to drink despite the high risk of cancer. According to a Gallup poll, almost 60% opt for alcoholic beverages, while only 45% believe that having one or two drinks per day is bad for their health.

So, as a solution to not completely cutting out alcohol for the entire month, drinkers are participating in Damp January, which is also popularized on TikTok. Damp January, compared to Dry January represents a softer approach to limiting alcohol assumption – as the resolution is to reduce alcohol consumption versus abstaining totally.  See the benefits of Damp January and ways to participate, below. 

Damp January Benefits

Improved Wellness: Damp January can help improve sleep, fitness stamina, emotional well being, and mental health, ultimately reducing cancer risk.  

Consistency: Damp January can be more doable compared to Dry January, especially if people need time and patience easing into not consuming alcohol. 

Boundaries: Participating in Damp January can allow you to create healthy boundaries with yourself, ulitmately allowing for more trust and commitment to your health. 

Here’s How To Participate: 

Determine an outcome: What do you want to receive from participating in Damp Janaury? Health? A clearer mind? Be sure to make achievable goals that also reflect your needs and desires. 

Limit drinking: Consider limit your drinking to certain days out of the week, or to only the weekend, or just when you’re out at social events. 

Drink less: Drinking smaller amounts of alcohol can be helpful. 

Find community: Share your goals with your loved ones, so they can support you in helping you stay on track. 

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