Sadé Vanessa And Robbie Chosen Anderson On Their Love Story And Navigating Reality Television


Love stories like that of multimedia personality Sadé Vanessa and NFL player Robbie Chosen Anderson resemble scenes from a 90s romance movie.

While talking to ESSENCE in an exclusive interview, the wide receiver described his first interaction with his now fiancé as “love at first sight. ” The couple met as teenagers at a party and instantly locked eyes. Because most classic love stories include a detour, their romance wasn’t fully ignited until a few years after meeting at that party. 

The couple kept in touch during Chosen’s college years and eventually became inseparable during his senior year. 

This romance is standing the test of time. Over a decade later, the Florida natives have gone on to build an admirable life together. Sadé and Robbie give fans a peek at that life on their new Netflix show, W.A.G.S. To Riches, which follows the lives of wives, fiancées, and girlfriends of pro athletes and entertainers.

In addition to building successful careers together, the couple recently became parents to their love child, Charm Chosen. Their firstborn came into the world on Dec. 19, 2024. We spoke to the TV personalities about their love story, their new show, and their beautiful bundle of joy. 

You guys are now on the cast of W.A.G.S To Riches, and I often hear people online say that once a couple goes on reality TV, their relationship goes downhill. Why did you guys choose to join the reality TV world? 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: You know, they say reality TV is not real, but, you know, we kept it honest on there, and we also knew how to draw that line and set that boundary and protect the intimacy of our relationship and our privacy and knowing what we’re comfortable in sharing to be for entertainment purposes and just representing our faith and our integrity. 

ESSENCE: You two knew each other before Robbie started playing in the NFL. How did that transition impact your relationship, if at all?

Sadé Vanessa: I felt like it didn’t impact it too much just because we both knew each other beforehand. I always tell myself, or when people ask me, it’s like I am in a relationship with Robbie, the person, versus Robbie, the player. It’s interesting to see fans and stuff like that. It’s new, obviously, for him, but it’s new to both of us because this is a whole new world [we’re] stepping into. But I think we’re both very humble, grounded people, so we let the outside noise be the outside noise. Our relationship, the foundation it was built on, is strong. So we don’t get too phased by all the other things. 

You just mentioned trying to keep aspects of your relationship private. What boundaries do you set to ensure that outside chatter doesn’t affect your relationship? 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: I stay focused, don’t get too caught up in people’s opinions, and you know, we value ourselves and are also honest individuals. It wasn’t always like that; I was still in the state of mind of being like a regular person. And that’s good because it keeps me humble. But I also didn’t realize how serious certain things were because of that mind state. But where we’ve grown to now is just knowing that we’re authentic in what we do and just staying grounded in that. 

Robbie, you have to be out often to work. Sadé, you might have to hold down the fort more. So, how do you guys ensure good communication and work-life balance so it doesn’t negatively impact your relationship? 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: For me, it’s just my priorities, just knowing my faith and my family, and then everything else comes after that. So just staying on top of things. I’m the leader of my household, and I just stay on top of what I need to in that communication and stay in control, not letting my responsibilities be in anybody else’s hands. Because if things go wrong, I won’t point any finger at anyone else. That’s on me as a man. 

I’m a very hands-on, humble person. I don’t feel like I’m too good to do certain things. Also, our relationship is not a dictatorship. I have no problem contributing and doing things. 

I wasn’t raised where men and women only do certain things. My mother raised me to do chores and take care of the household. And you know, we hold it down for each other. 

We both do a great job at what we do. It’s a balance; it’s not an ego-driven relationship where, oh, because I made X amount of money, I’m too good to do this, I’m too good to do that. We don’t get caught up in all that stuff. 

Sadé Vanessa: How we support each other is unique and meaningful because I know certain things within me in my career can be tricky to figure out and navigate. And he’s always there to give me his wisdom and his feedback on certain things. The same goes for me with his career, but I also make sure that when he is away, he feels a piece of home with him or he’s still comfortable. So we have a nice system going, and we prioritize often, keep it cute, and still have our date nights where we get cute. 

He always gives me flowers. When I came home last night from the premiere, these big balloons said, ‘You’re on Netflix,’ and roses. And I’m like, oh, my God, I thought the night was over, and I came home, and it was so beautiful. So it’s always love, which is why Cece was made with so much love and why she’s so precious. 

How do you deal with that distance now that you have a child especially?

Well, I think it all goes back to the beginning of our relationship and how it was built off of the distance. 

I was used to it and had to navigate that early on. So now I. It’s not too bad. Distance sometimes makes the heart grow fonder. 

But it hasn’t happened now, which is excellent. And that’s been a blessing in itself with him being home because we’ve been able to experience this new season and chapter in our lives together. And even moving forward, I don’t think that will happen because now she’s here. So wherever he goes, I’m there. And wherever I’ll go, he’ll be there. 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: Yeah, we had to go through that stage of our relationship, obviously, because of my career and what she was working towards becoming, building her career. That’s no longer a thing. My family comes before my job, which helps me to be my best in my career.

Obviously, I might have to leave for a day or so, but mid- to long-term distance is not a factor because coming home to Sadé and my child at the end of the night, waking up to that, and being with that bond is the most important. 

So, you all now have a new addition to the family. Congratulations. Tell me how that has changed your family dynamic. 

Sadé Vanessa: Oh, my goodness. It’s been an interesting month. I think it’s changed our dynamics by bringing us closer and [bringing] more happiness and excitement within us and at home. And she’s literally the most precious, perfect, sweetest thing. 

I don’t know how to explain it. It’s a blissful feeling. I told him the other day, “I don’t feel like life is real right now.” It kind of doesn’t feel real, especially when I look at her. It’s just because we’ve come through and overcome so many different seasons and chapters, and this one feels like the most precious one. So it’s terrific. 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: Yeah. It was the missing piece. You know, it brings us that completion. We had the partnership, but that brings that family bond and that unconditional love into the picture. 

And, from my perspective, that’s what it’s always been about. I wasn’t doing everything I was doing in my career just for me and just for personal gains. It was to leave my inheritance, share that bond, and have that family and togetherness forever. 

I love that. So my last question for y’all is, what do you want your daughter to learn about love by watching you two together? 

Robbie Chosen Anderson: I would say that I understand what true love is. The unconditional love of it, the honesty of it, the respect of it, and just the fulfillment of love is how you should move in life. And just the joy that love brings you. 

Sadé Vanessa: And I would say just knowing that she’s just so blessed and wanting her to have a healthy home and a happy home and be able to be led and taught things and just to be graceful and to know that God is love and light. The positive things we can instill in her and teach her are to make her a gracious, beautiful human, honestly, because the world needs more of that.

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